Planning Processes

Updating UMD's Strategic Plan

During spring 2017 the EVCAA led data collection efforts to examine campus perceptions of UMD's six goals (faculty and staff survey) and to seek input for the campus vision (faculty and staff open forums). A campus-wide group representing faculty and staff also compiled a SWOT analysis for the institution. 

In fall 2017 the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors incorporated the data to present updated vision, value, and goal statements to campus constituent groups including the Strategic Planning and Budget (SPB) Committee, the Chancellor’s Leadership Council, the Council of Deans and Academic Administrators, the Council of Student Life Directors, the UMD Student Association, Faculty Senate, and the Chancellor’s Advisory Board. With input from faculty, staff, and students, the Chancellor approved the revised vision, values, and goals in December 2017.

Ideas for initiatives and measures related to the campus goals were provided during 2018 and 2019 by members of the Chancellor's Leadership Council; the Council of Deans and Academic Administrators; the Council of Student Life Directors; Faculty Senate; the Graduate Programs Committee; the Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Subcommittee; and the Campus Change Team. 

Integrating UMD's Strategic Plan with MPact 2025

The Systemwide Strategic Plan "MPact 2025" was developed during 2019-20, and the draft plan with commitments, goals, action items, and measures was made available for comment in October 2020. UMD integrated the campus's Strategic Plan with MPact following the Board of Regents approval of the Systemwide Plan in February 2021. The integration involved a refresh of the campus's strategic plan initiatives, which were presented to the Board in June 2021. During 2021-22, campus leadership sought additional input to aid in finalizing measures and targets and to update the UMD vision statement.